Monday, January 27, 2020

How does Social Media Effect Time Management?

How does Social Media Effect Time Management? The purpose of this paper is to better understand the relationship between time spent on social media and time management in students. After and extensive literature review, a questionnaire was administered to a sample of 54 participants. After analyzing the results it was evident that there is a relationship between time spent on social media and time managing skills. Based on the results, recommendations and limitations were discussed. The use of internet has been taken over by social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Social media has become a popular tool amongst all generations these days. The use of social media has been increasingly growing among students of all ages. Most students use at least one type of social media platform in their daily lives; therefore I thought testing the effects of these platforms on students would be useful. The aim of this research is to measure the effects of the use of social media on time management. This paper will also show the reasons behind this growing trend among students. To help the generalizability of this study, around 60 students from different schools and universities were asked to participate by filling constructed questionnaires. These questionnaires were then closely analyzed to see how these platforms have been affecting students. Literature Review There is a growing interest on the effects of social media on students success and development (Abramson, 2011; Kamenetz, 2011). This interest on the effects of social networking is growing because as the data collected by EDUCAUSE Center for Applied Research (ECAR) shows, 90% of their 36,950 student sample uses some sort of social media (Smith Caruso, 2010). Studies have shown that teenagers are among the top users of social networking websites (Ahn, 2011). There has been a trend in studies suggesting that teenagers are spending a big portion of their daily life on social media websites (Ahn, 2011). Ahn defines SNS as social networking sites; she further explains that websites such as Facebook and MySpace fall into that category because they are web applications that use Web 2.0 principles (2011). OReilly defines Web 2.0 as websites that depend on the participation of normal users rather than content providers, he further explains that Web 2.0 websites sums up content from many sou rces and are websites that connect and network users and information together (OReilly, 2007). Ann questions the effect of these websites on the development of the youth stating that parents and teachers are concerned and frightened by this connection between the youth and social networking sites (2011). On the other hand, scholars suggest that educators should accept that students these days are using social media platforms to learn and that these educators should embrace these new platforms and use them to their advantage (Ito et al., 2009; Jenkins, 2006). However, many schools and universities block access to these websites (Lemke et al., 2009). Agichtein et al. argue that the content on social media websites vary from high quality content to spam and users should know how to find high quality information on these platforms (Agichtein et al., 2008). Misra and McKean state that academic stress is caused by poor time management (2000). Lay and Schouwenburg define time management as a group of different actions that facilitate productivity and alleviate stress (1993). Academic performance is enhanced by effective time management (Campbell and Svenson, 1992). In his study, Anderson claims that although the average of internet use among students is 100 minutes per day, only a small group of these students use the internet to a degree that affects other tasks in their life (2001). University students are inclined to excessive use of internet (Anderson, 2001). Anderson stated that many students fail to manage their time on the internet (2001). As shown by the literature review, while the use of social media is continually growing especially among teenagers, the main concern is whether this growing interest is effecting students time management causing an increase in stress levels among students and lower academic achievements. Social media has many uses, from networking to news to quality information but the concern is around whether these students are using these social media platforms for all these reasons and whether these users are managing to organize their time (Ahn, 2011). Methodology Type: Survey. Tool: Semi-structured questionnaire. Participants 54 students of both genders participated in this study. Students in various countries from ages of 13 to 34 years answered the questionnaire. -Materials Data were collected through online questionnaires. My questionnaire consisted of nine questions (five multiple choice, one scale, two text, and one checkbox question). I chose to put a little amount of questions with mostly multiple questions to be sure that the students would not get bored while answering and the answers would be as precise as possible, limiting bias. Procedure The questionnaire was done on Google docs then sent by e-mail to some, and posted on a social media website (Facebook) to assure that there is a variety of ages and genders in the answers. Why students? Student level is when the persons career is determined; if the student is well aware that studying and other daily chores (sports, work, etc.) are the most important pillars in a students life, but they also have to know how to manage their time, they will excel in their futures so this study might be like a wake up call for students. Later on, these results were translated into percentages in pie charts to help in building my analysis and interpretation stage which will help me answer my research question. Analysis and Interpretation Analyzing each question made me realize more and more on how much students are drowned in the pool of SNS, even though most know that its affecting their daily chores, starting with studying and ending with sports. Students of middle school (4%), high school (72%), and university (24%) from ages 13 to 34 participated in this study. Both genders were involved in this paper 52% of which were males and 48 females. The diversity of respondents assures the variety of opinions present. How much time do you spend on social platforms daily? Only 4% of students do not use SNS daily, while 19% spend more than 4 hours on social media platforms. 11% think that checking these sites for less than an hour is enough for them; on the contrary 30% say that they spend three to four hours to get their daily dose of social networking. The 37% left spend one to two hours daily before performing other things in their daily life. Type of social media? Among 54 students 41% prefer Facebook to any other social media platform. 21% use Instagram, 19% use twitter, 7% use Google+. Only 11% use things other these SNS. When asked about why do they use these platforms for and they were given the freedom to choose anything they want because it was an open-ended question, most students said that they spend their time communicating with people, or for general entertainment as well as staying up to date with everything eg. Politics, sports. In the meantime a very little amount said that they spend their time on these platforms for educational purposes. As a student, how much time do you dedicate to studying daily? Most students only dedicate one to two hours studying with a percentage of 44%. 20% spend three to four hours of their time studying while 17% say that they do not study on daily basis. 11 % study for less than hour, in the meantime 7% study for more than four hours daily. How much time do you dedicate to other important chores daily? When asked about the time spent for other important chores such as work or sports 44% of the 54 respondents said that they perform theses chores for one to two hours daily. 19% said that they perform chores for less than hour or not on a daily basis, while 9% percent said that they do so for three to four hours or more. To what extent do you think social media affects your time management? As a sub-question I asked their opinion on a scale from one to five (not at all to completely respictively) on how much they think SNS affect their time management as students to see if they were well-aware of what the great time on social media platforms affects their daily chores. 28% answered three to four on the scale while 20% thought it had a complete effect and only 6% said that it has no effects of all and 19% think that it has a very little effect. CONCLUSION Research question: Does social media have effects on students time management? According to the responses I got I realized that when you come to connect and analyze the questions about the dedication of time spent on important chores, studying, and social media platforms you realize that, on the choice that says not on a daily basis on 4% spend their day without using any of the SNS while 17% do not study on daily basis and 19% do not perform other important chores in a students life. Results are almost equal on the less than an hour choice with 11% for using social media 11% for studying and 19% for other important chores. At one to two hours the results favor the studying and other important chores more with 44% for both and only 37% for social media. What made me reach to a result for my research question is that when the hours increased, the usage of social media increased and the time spent on studying and other important chores decreased drastically after reaching their peak. On three to four hours, 30% spend time on SNS while 20% spend studying and only 9% perform important chores. 9% said that they perform important chores for more than four hours and 7% said they spend more than four hours studying while 19% use social media platforms for more than hours. Sub-question: Are the students aware of the effects the SNS have on their time management? After constructing a study on if the students are aware by the effects the social networking sites have on their time management I realized that they are somehow mostly aware. That is what made me wonder more and more, because if the students are unaware then maybe the parents must be blamed for the effects I found in my research paper, but after finding out that students know how much these sites have effects and they do not try to resist it then the students have to be blaimed for that. Recommendation: After analyzing and interprating the results I recommend the teachers to try to help the students for overcoming the students time on social networking sites for uneducational means by using social media platforms for educational purposes so that the students spend their time learning on these sites rather than just for communication and entertainment. In this way I think students will (even if unintentionally) spend time learning. If they open Facebook for example and find out that the teacher posted an assignment there he will spend his time doing it rather than other stuff. Limitation: Due to time and cost limitations the scale in this study was relatively small. The genaralizibilty of this study could have been enhanced if a larger sample was studied. If it was not for these limitations a focus group or in-depth interviews might have helped enhance this study also. Reflection on the Research Steps Before starting the research it was something very close to a nightmare to me. Not knowing anything about it I was really afraid to even start with it or even read what it is about, all I knew about the word research is that it takes a lot of time to develop a good one. Step 1 of the DRC was choosing a topic, it seemed very easy to me at first, but after going through the handout I realized that I had to choose a topic that I am aware of and at the same time something I was interested in because I had to read a lot about the topic. I was suffering at that moment; nothing came to my mind. I thought choosing a topic was easy, but it turned out to be very challenging. Choosing a topic was everything that was on my mind for 3 days until this topic came to mind and I thought it would be beneficial for the next generation and it was something I myself was suffering from. Step 2 was to narrow down my topic and think about one specific point of my topic. After approaching to my teacher I was happy to know that the topic I chose from step 1 was already narrowed down, and I was ready to go to the next step. This gave me a boost because after my classmates were well ahead of me in step one I caught up with them. After step 3 I was not disappointed in all the time it took me to choose my topic because step 2 and 3 were very easy to me. Step 3 was about narrowing it down more and more, and deciding what was your research question. Unintentionally I had that ready too. Maybe spending a lot of time on choosing a topic was not a nightmare after all. Steps 4 to 6 were somehow similar to each other. I had to choose the method I wanted to gather information in. Thanks to Mr.Ammar Merhebi and his amazing explanation of what an interview was about and what a questionnaire is, it did not take me a lot of time to choose the online questionnaire method because I thought my topic needed me to take answers from a lot of people due to the high number of opinions and ways of living. All credits go to my mentor; Mr.Ammar Merhebi for the time it took him to teach us how to enter everything on programs that would help in preparing and processing the data. After each step I used to think of what I did and think that what I was doing is time wasting and not beneficial. Although the steps did not take me a lot of time but all what was on my mind was Why do teachers love to interfere with our work and put everything into steps that would not even help when I want to start with my research paper? That was not the case here, when I started with my study I had a look on my steps and I had most of the things done and ready for this project. There were surely sometimes were I was very close to giving up and just going to anyone to do it for me in return for money, but I thank god that I took the correct road towards what I think a successful study.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Do you consider the metrics organizations measure to be valuable Essay

In order to develop a valuable HR metrics/performance measurement system it is imperative that organizations focus on their competitive strategy and operational goals, and should clearly define what employee competencies and behaviors are required to attain the above objective. (Becker, Huselid, & Ulrich, 2001, p. 52) Metrics are valuable if the actions and decisions which develop the metrics also develop the firm’s strategic objective. For example, if we take a sales team and a product development team, the metrics measured would be slightly different. A sales team directly affects revenue by its selling effort. Revenue, or sales time margins, might be a good metric for the sales force. The product development team also affects revenue, but less directly and less immediately. Near-term revenue is a reasonable metric, but the firm may also want to use another metric, such as customer satisfaction, to represent long-term revenue. The firm might also include metrics such as cycle time, development cost, and synergies with other products in the line. The team can affect these directly and, if they are chosen carefully, the actions the team takes to affect these metrics are the same actions that produce long-term profit for the firm. (John R. Hauser and Gerald M. Katz, 1998, p. 7) Another way to add value to metrics that organizations measure is to align it with corporate and business strategy. When a company decides to change its goals, the metrics should also change accordingly. For instance: A bank decided to shift the focus of its retail business from service to sales. Though the key performance drivers of the firm was now, increased cross selling to customers, teller product knowledge and sales skills, it still used service related metrics and continued practices like; hiring based on service competencies, low pay and benefits for teller, service based training programs etc. Due to this disconnect between firm’s new goals and outdated performance measurement metrics, the bank failed to achieve its sales and profitability targets. (Becker, Huselid, & Ulrich, 2001, p. 33) HR Metrics generally measure efficiency (time and cost) and the effectiveness of certain activities. The traditional metrics such as head count, turnover, and time to fill is being expanded by the use of KPIs that align with corporate strategies. This is building the credibility of HR and increasing its value by fostering partnership with senior management. By selecting meaningful and effective KPI’s HR is able to link its activities with the firm’s performance and communicate it in financial/business terms (Mello, 2011, p. 30). Measuring valuable metrics leads to the measurement of those HR decisions and outcomes that get the highest rate of return. For example: In the case of Sears, the HR managers used a seventy item survey, which they then distilled down to ten items as their measure of â€Å"compelling place to work.† These ten items were later consolidated along two dimensions – employee attitude towards the job and towards the company. This kind of measurement gave the company an explicit way to assess how well it was realizing its vision of being a â€Å"compelling place to work.† (Becker, Huselid, & Ulrich, 2001, p. 116) Therefore, the metrics that organizations measure does have value only if its results provide meaningful input into subsequent decisions and contribute to more effective performance evaluation.

Friday, January 10, 2020

German Threat Was the End to Splendid Isolation

The Growing German threat was the most important reason for Britain ending its policy of Splendid Isolation. How far do you agree? At first examination it would seem that it was not actually the fear of Germany that prompted Britain to end their policy of splendid isolation if we take into consideration that this of fear of Germany only really came to fruition in about 1905. However it was before this that Britain had broken its so named policy of ‘Splendid Isolation’ by signing an alliance with japan in 1902 and then going on to form an entente with the French in 1904.Certainly there are indeed other reasons other than the emerging German threat that might have forced their hand, such as the emergence of alliance’s all around the globe which had begun to upset the balance of power (Franco Russian) this may have left Britain feeling pushed into a corner somewhat so that they felt that they had no other choice but to join an alliance so it was not left behind as it s own level of relative power decreased.Furthermore with the decrease of Britain’s level of relative power (it was easily being led by the US) but most notably Germany, the fact that a state as new as Germany could grow at such a rate made the British sit up and take note. And when in 1905 during the first Moroccan crisis it was the German’s who attempted to test the new bonds between the French and the British it demonstrated not only to Britain but to the world that the German’s wanted to carve out their own chunk of glory and they were not about to let anyone stand in their way.It was indeed between the years 1906-14 when the Anglo-German naval race was to take place. It was during this time that Germany drastically increased size of its navy, however this navy was only ever meant for short term purposes. Looking at it now it is obvious why the level of British Paranoia may be reaching breaking point at this time as a fleet of short range boats began to mass on her border, it demonstrated once again that the Germans were determined to become one of the great powers.It could however be argued that this naval race was nothing more than an inconvenience towards the British as they in the end emphatically managed to build substantially more ships than the Germans. But it was to show once again that the German’s were without a doubt an up and coming nation and one that Britain must watch carefully and so it was here that the first feelings of fear of Germany were beginning to be felt. Moreover it was understood that the German’s did not actually ever want a war with the British and that the only reason for the assing of this fleet was as I have already said to inconvenience the British and indeed provide a certain amount of leverage over them in terms of international affairs and agreements, this began to scare Britain, so much so that Britain it would seem began to move even more out of the idea of ‘Splendid Isolationâ⠂¬â„¢ when, in 1912 it came to a series of military agreements with the French and actually handed over control of the Mediterranean which actually included the main route to India for the British (The Suez canal).Although these agreements were not intended as a military alliance some historians have seen it as such, but there is no mistaking that it was definitely a move away from the policy of ‘Splendid Isolation’ that Britain had previously adopted, and it would also seem to be because of the fear of the every growing in power Germans. As Germany grew in power Britain began to realise that if it came to war that the only way in which Germany could be defeated is if Britain herself became involved with yet another alliance and so in 1907 it did this with Russia, thus forming the triple entente.I believe that if it was not for increasing aggression of the German’s then Britain would most probably have never had to forge this alliance which once again brought it forward out of its formerly adopted policy of ‘Splendid Isolation’. Although the fear of Germany was undoubtedly important another important factor in regard to the dropping of the policy of ‘Splendid isolation’ is the dropping of Britain’s level of relative power and also trade.The fact that other countries (USA and Germany in particular) were growing exponentially gave Britain cause for concern and she knew that sooner or later she would lose her empire if she did not act, if she continued to operate this policy of splendid isolation then not only in time would her empire collapse around her, therefore severing any trade routes she may have had with them, but the other powers would also continue to grow until eventually they are considerably stronger than her and Britain alone would be no match for Germany.Another important factor that we need to consider in all of this is of course the influence that the Boer war may have had on Britain’s f oreign policy. And when Britain eventually did emerge from that war in 1902 she emerged victorious but it had come at a cost and that cost was a great deal of pride. Although that they had in essence been victorious it is not to be forgotten that they had beaten some lowly people, not the great powers that they had defeated in the past.Britain had to pour huge amounts of resources into this war and this was to come at a massive cost as it was to leave her extremely vulnerable in other places around the world, not least in India. Moreover this links back to the fear of Germany because it was in actual fact the German’s who were angry at Britain for fighting the Boer’s, Indeed this helped to start the path of sour relations with Germany. Not only this but Britain’s industrial power was coming under increasing levels of threat, and although they still ruled the seas it was only a matter of time before it was caught on that front also.The seas became a contentious i ssue for Britain and around 1902 they realised that they would no longer be able to uphold a two power naval standard and the fear of Russia factored into this. The fact was that if Russia and Germany or Russia and France (Franco-Russian alliance) were to attack Britain at sea then her navy would be crushed. She was severely concerned about this fact and so sought the aforementioned alliance with Japan that would help her to hopefully keep both the Russian’s and the German’s at bay.It is clear that fear of Russian along with fear of the German’s was extremely high on the list of priorities of the change in direction of British foreign policy, which in the end culminated with their withdrawal from their so called ‘Policy of Splendid isolation’. Therefore I believe that although Britain’s fear of the growth of German power was significantly important in regard to them ending their policy of ‘Splendid Isolation’ it is not the sole r eason but is the most important.The fact that they had been badly bruised by emerging with their ‘bad victory’ in the Boer war and the fact that they could no longer bear the financial strain of keeping a two power standard navy also meant that they had to drop that policy. And although it was indeed before the intervention of the German actions that the 1902 alliance with Japan and the 1904 entente with France, it is clear that the impact of the German‘s was also extremely important if not more so than the Boer war, the fear of Russia and the fear of losing trade and the routes to India.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Organ Of The Organ System - 1009 Words

Organ transplantation has been around for about 61 years. The first successful transplantation took place on December 23, 1954 by Dr. Joseph Murray and Dr. David Hume at Brigham Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts. That transplantation being successful on that day has saved many lives to this day (â€Å"Transplantation†). The only legal way to get an organ transplant is through organ donation. In the United States alone, there are about 122,690 people on the waiting list today and only 10,051 donors. Every ten minutes, someone is added to the waiting list and 22 people that are on the waiting list dies everyday (Organ Procurement). There have been many debates on the matter of only being able to obtain an organ through donation. Some people believe that there should be a legal market to sell organs. In these debates, people must take other matters into consideration. The sale of organs may have an effect the environment, the different cultures, the economy, ethics, politics, or even science and technology. Weather these effects would be good or bad is up to debate. There have been many debates on the issue of the legalization of the sale of human organs. One person to debate on the issue was Dr. Monti. She put out an elaborate paper on how the sale of human organs would benefit the economy. Jennifer Monti has a medical and master’s degree in public health and her research has been published in academic journals. Her other writings have been recognized by the New York TimesShow MoreRelatedOrgan System For Organ Organs1798 Words   |  8 Pagesthe question posed in discussing the sale of human organs. There is undoubtedly a need for donor organs. According to UNOS, every ten minutes a new person is added to the donor waiting list and an average of twenty two people die a day waiting for an organ they will never receive. 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